Ink (OctPoWriMo2014)-Day 24

Wipe it clean
Put the needle to my skin
Ink it exactly how I want it
It started with one
Then two and three
Before I knew it I hit number four
Now I'm contemplating what's next
What do I want for number five
Let's make this fun
Make it something memorable
New Ink for a different place
Travel the world and make it permanent
 Every memory sticks to my skin forever
They all tell a story
They all have a meaning
Favorite band, biggest dreams, aspirations
It keeps me grounded
Keeps my head straight
Ink is my guilty pleasure 


  1. Really neat poem! You've described to me, a non-tattoo kind of guy, some of the thought process behind getting a tattoo.

    1. Thank you! If you ever get one just make sure it has meaning so that way you'll never regret it!

  2. Thanks. Yeah, they're very addicting. I got all of mine in not so visible places and I always make sure they mean something so I always get them about a year apart or more.


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