Letter To Teen Me...

I was given this idea when I received an email from an author whose newsletter I am signed onto. Given, this post was supposed to be written on the 11th, I had a busy past 10 days dealing with work, lost luggage, planning for parties, and a Grandmother who was in the hospital. Whatever, it's here now!

Dear Teen Me,

It's okay to be different...like vastly different from your peers. I'm sorry I'm telling you this about 10 years too late but I didn't know it back then. You definitely should've dyed your hair the colors of the rainbow and embraced ripped up jeans and Converses instead of high heels and dark brown hair. You didn't have to change that because nothing was wrong with it.

It's okay to be into bands instead of rappers even though no one made you feel like it was (but I'm glad you met someone who did!). Liking rock music and being deemed as "emo" doesn't mean you abandoned your culture even though that's what they told you. I really digged the dark eyeliner and bright red hair...it was so...YOU!

No one had to understand you because you weren't meant to be understood. You were meant to be free and different. Your views matter and just because family and "friends" didn't share the same ones didn't make you wrong. You never had to fake what music you liked or the slang you couldn't speak. There's nothing wrong with saying "rad" or "awesome", it didn't make you any less black...it made you, you and you're pretty cool to me.

I only wish I told you this back then but I'm telling you now. Go ahead and be who you are. I love it. I finally love you.

24 Year Old You
  • Please leave comments, share, and like. Repost with a letter to your teen self or leave one in the comments below. What would you say to yourself if you knew back then what you know now?
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