
Showing posts from February, 2016

Adalyn: Whirlwind (Short Story #10)

See, I told you I would post something at least once a week! I know the week is really over but it doesn't truly start a new week until Monday, right?! Right! Besides, I gave you two posts last week! Anyway, here's a new short story for you guys to enjoy. It's from Adalyn's point of view and if you read Turn It Off you'll know that she mentioned her dad had a history of drug abuse while she was trying to help Peyton with his problem. This is about one of those moments. Read the short story from last week here: Ronan: It's Always Her (Cont.) Listen to "Shouldn't Come Back" by Demi Lovato on repeat while reading for the full experience:  Adalyn: Whirlwind                  They’re arguing again. I love my dad but I think he’s lost his mind. I know any moment now my brother will come into the room to have someone to escape the madness with. This is an ongoing thing now. He’s always h...

Ronan: It's Always Her... (Continued)(Short Story #9)

It's been since October that I've written a short story (remember those?!). I missed writing short stories on my characters from the A Tragic Heart series. I believe this series will always be my favorite and the characters will always be the most real to me which is why I write little blurbs about I never have to let them go. As promised, this one is a continuation to the last one and it's from Ronan's point of view. Clearly it would belong with the second novel, RED and jumps eight years into the future (from where RED left off). You can check out the first part to the story here: Ronan: It's Always Her... Listen to "Close To You" by Rihanna on repeat while reading to get the full experience: Ronan: It’s Always Her (Continued)                 There she was. Sitting across from me in an expensive restaurant in Los Angeles just talking away. She had a smile painted across her face as...

It's Been Some Time But There's A New Me!

I know, I know! It's been over two months since the last time I posted anything but that's going to change because I have finally found a schedule that works for me. In the time that I have been away I completed my first children's chapter book, Madison Avenue and I created a new website that you can check out at . From now on, I will try to blog at least once a week and I am going to become more active via my social media pages. For those who know me personally, they know this is my biggest challenge because I hate social media. I know this sounds insane for a 24 year old who is also a public figure to state but I really do. I'm not good at socializing in real life and the same goes for cyber socializing. Sorry, but I was never the "cool" kid so I'm a but stumped at this part but I am going to make more of an effort. I have so many ideas for 2016 and the rest of the future that I'm extremely motivated to stay on top of my blogging...