Uninspired (OctPoWriMo2014)-Day 14

Completely uninspired
Not really sure what I aspire
Draw inspiration from "here"
But the wheels aren't cranking or turning
I stare blankly, trying to think of something clever to say
Nothing comes to mind
The quotes don't ignite a spark
They don't hit a mark
So I sit and wait for something to come to me...
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Wanted to say something about a battle
But it all seems overused
So it looks like I got nothing
Wait a minute!
Hey! I just got inspired by being uninspired
I guess that's it for today...


  1. Sometimes inspiration just won't come.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. I thought I'd play along with the whole being uninspired thing.

  3. And you are inspiring by saying what's up and writing into it. Brava, you!

  4. Well played, poet! Inspiration comes in many forms...even un-inspiration, as you've proven.

  5. At times inspiration comes only when its good and ready. Nice approach.

  6. Thank you! I actually found the picture on Google by searching for "uninspired". I thought it was pretty perfect. Lol


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